Kwatoria Bryant

Know Your Worth

Event 2014

do you know
Conference Mission
The mission of the Know Your Worth Event is to empower and inspire women from all walks of life to know their worth and give them the tools to tap into the power they already possess. Regardless of your age and background, when you know your worth you know what's worth your time. Sometimes all we need is a little push and belief to get to the next level. You are not a vehicle, so don't let your value depreciate!
Event Founder: Kwatoria Bryant
Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Mentor. Born Kwatoria Blalock on June 24, 1985 in Macon, GA. Kwatoria has proved to be a fighter. After numerous setbacks in life she has kept her faith and is determined to help others see what they don't see in themselves. She enjoyed writing and music as a child and attended Southwest High School in her hometown.
After receiving several scholarships, Kwatoria enrolled at Georgia Southwestern State University in Americus, GA. It was during college that she was encouraged to join Peer Educators. Peer educators is a campus organization that deals with issues that college students face such as sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. She was a member for approximately one year and excelled so much that she became President of the organization. It was through this organization that she became a student worker for the Governor's Office of Highway Safety and a member of the BACCHUS Network, a nationally recognized student organization. She attended a General Assembly conference in Anaheim, CA where she was once again encouraged by her peers. After little thought she ran for Area 9 SAC in which a group of peers from universities all over the United States attended and she was elected. She served as Area 9 SAC from 2006-2007. Upon taking on this role, it was her duty to represent Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, and Puerto Rico on a national level. This was one of the best experiences of her life and the one in which would set the tone for her career path. Unfortunately, she just didn't realize it at the time.
It wasn't until she found herself feeling empty that she realized that she lost sight of what it was that brought her joy and gave her purpose. Since she was a young child, she always had a passion to help and encourage others. She wrote letters and pamphlets that she had a desire to share with her peers, but somewhere along the way, she got caught up pleasing others that play a special part in her life and those things were put on the backburner. It wasn't until the latter part of 2010 that she decided to be real with herself and honestly answer the question, "What is my purpose in life?" Once again, she was encouraged by a dear friend that saw the gift that she had and made it a point to make sure that she didn't give up on her dream. Once her mind is set, it is no stopping her. She faced some bumps along the road, but she never gave up!! When she realized that she had no problem encouraging and motivating others, but failed to motivate herself, that was when the transformation took place. She is a firm believer that "Just because it held you up, doesn't mean that it will hold you back."